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  SFEC2016 the 12th Shanghai high-end imported food and drinks exhibitions

  时间:2016年12月04--06日 地点:中国●上海光大会展中心(漕宝路88号)

  Date: December 04 – 06, 2016 Venue: Shanghai?Everbright?Exhibition?Centre●

  China?(88 Caobao Road)

  主办单位:上海市食品学会 上海市粮油协会

  Host Units: Shanghai?Food?Association Shanghai Grain and Oil Association

  支持单位:中国营养学会 美国食品出口协会

  SGS检测认证服务 黑龙江省中小企业协会

  韩国食品行业协会 意大利食品进出口协会

  上海进口食品行业协会 国家食物与营养咨询委员会

  Supported by: Chinese Society of Nutrition

  The American Association of Food Export

  SGS Certification Tenting Service

  Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province

  Korean Food Industry Association

  Italian Food Import and Export Association

  Shanghai Imported Food Industry Association

  National Food and Nutrition Advisory Committee

  承办单位:上海富邦展览服务有限公司 高端进口食品与饮料展组委会

  Organizers: Shanghai Fubon Exhibition Service Co., LTD

  Organizing Committee of High-End Imported Food and Drinks Exhibition

  【展会背景】Exhibition Background

  2016年12月04-06日,上海高端进口食品与饮料展览会、上海绿色有机食品展览会(SFEC 2016)重磅亮相上海光大国际会展中心,SFEC是与政府合作的专业平台,拥有行业权威及影响力而备受瞩目。

  On December 04 - 06, 2016, Shanghai High-End Imported Food and Drinks Exhibition and Shanghai Green Organic Food Exhibition (SFEC 2016) will make a super stage pose at Shanghai Everbright International Exhibition Center. SFEC, in cooperative with the government to have created a professional platform, has attracted tremendous attention due to its industry authority and influence.


  SFEC is the regular meeting of the international food industry, held every year in Shanghai. eleven SFEC meetings were successfully co-hosted by Shanghai Food Association , authority in China’s food industry and Shanghai Fubon Exhibition Service Co., LTD, first-class domestic exhibition agency and received great support Shanghai Commerce Commission, Shanghai Imported Food Industry Association, Shanghai Agricultural Committee, World Trade Center, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and other relevant agencies, industry associations, so it is one of the industry grand meetings in China with the largest size, highest level and the most active trade volume.


  A whole new industry eco circulation system has been formed quietly, ranging from careful overall planning, comprehensive upgraded service system, practical and effective relevant activities, the concept of green economy in holding the exhibitions, and cooperation with professional and quality exhibition partners so as to create a whole new exhibition atmosphere and experience for both the exhibitors and professional visitors.

  【展会回顾】 Exhibition Review

  2016年03月份举办的高端进口食品饮料展,展会共吸引来自全球四十多个国家和地区近五百家高端食品及饮料优秀供应商前来参展,参展企业包括;中储粮、黑龙江降雪儿饮料、为为实业、北京金泰誉、北京博登思、益海嘉里(金龙鱼)、阿兰菲集团、法国立德斯、?康多贸易 、熙可国际贸易、初鹿牧場、千一食品株式會社、CIBUS GROUP、汉兴集团、香港建荣、青岛加珍、COOPERL、慕虹国际、仕旋集團、高丽堂、LATASTE SAS、亚美集团、盈丰食品、食味米、久沅企業、神农集团、原野企業、威龙葡萄酒、火车头集团、法国塞塔拉姆、安捷伦科技、云南丽雪、台湾贵夫人、岛津、埠口实业、江西翰雨、十相自在、赤轩商务、广瑞德、台旺食品、香华实业、傣御农业、智洪实业等等众多国内外知名企业及进口商。聚集国内外近万名食品饮料领域的专业买家参会。展会期间多场活动论坛也引起众多关注。

  Shanghai High-End Imported Food and Drinks Exhibition held in march 2016 attracted nearly five hundred outstanding supplier of high-end food and beverage from more than 40 countries and regions in the world, including such famous domestic and overseas enterprises and importers as: China Grain Reserves Corporation, Heilongjiang Jiangxuer Drinks, Weiwei Industrial Group, Beijing Jintaiyu, Beijing BDSEE Bio-Technology, Yihaikerry Group (Golden Arowana Group), Alan Fe Group, France Khalid Group, Kondo Trade, Xike International Trading, Deer Farms, One Hundred Food Co., LTD, CIBUS GROUP, Hanxing Group, Hong Kong Jianrong, Qingdao Jiazhen Group, COOPERL, MuHong International, Blackstone GROUP, Korea Hall, LATASTE SAS, Asian American GROUP, Yingfeng Foods, Shiweizhi Group, Jiuyuan Enterprise, Shennong GROUP, Yuanye Enterprise, Fukou Industrial Enterprise , Jiangxi Hanyu, Shi Xiang Zi Zai, Chixuan Commerce, Guang Rui De, Tai Wang Foods, Xiang Hua Industrial Enterprice, Daiyu Agriculture, Zhi Hong Industrial Enterprise, etc. Nearly ten thousand food and beverage expert buyers attend the fair and many forums to be held during the exhibition will attract much attention.

  【建立品牌的不二选择】Number One Choice of Establishing a Brand

  面对市场越来越挑剔的消费者、不断涌入的新的竞争力, 品牌效应逐渐显现出它的重要性。买家往往会为一个好品牌买单,而中国上海食品与饮料展览会则是让您产品质量提升、产品升级的最佳平台。

  Faced with more and more captious consumer market, the continuous influx of new competition, brand effect is gradually showing its importance. Buyers tend to pay for a good brand and food and beverage exhibition in Shanghai, China is providing the best platform allowing you to promote your product quality and upgrade your products.

  【趋势就在眼前】Trend is just around the cornor


  Where can we really grasp the pulse of the market? Shanghai Food and Beverage Exhibition has changed the traditional monotonous form of exhibition into a high-end professional platform to meet the high-end demand and supply. Participating in the present industry development trend and blending into the vast exhibition network is a good opportunity for product upgrade and customer experience.

  【为您发现机遇】Find Opportunities for You


  To build a full range of face-to-face interactive experience for both suppliers and buyers, so as to provide first-hand information of the buyers to you, and to build a better "customization service". Prior to meeting both new and old customers, you have everything under control.

  【目标观众】Target Visitors


  Major participants are nearly 500 large middle and upscale department stores and supermarkets from East China area; nearly 500 above four-star hotels; nearly 3800 high-end western restaurants and shopping malls, duty-free shops, evening shows, upscale clubs; nearly 1000 Shanghai-based commercial institutions, including China headquarters of the Fortune 500, overseas enterprises and trade companies, Chinese purchasing office of international buyers and international trade agents, etc.; nearly 38000 food and beverage companies, food buyers, food and beverage distributors, food and beverage agents, food traders, wholesalers, food importers and exporters, network businessmen.

  ? 食品及饮料行业的经销商、代理商、贸易商及制造商;商场、超市和专卖店的采购人员和品质检验人员等;餐饮酒店、西餐厅的采购人员等;消费者以及其他相关人士等。

  Food and beverage industry dealers, agents, traders and manufacturers; buyers and quality inspection personnel of department stores, supermarkets and exclusive stores, etc.; procumbent personnel of catering places and hotels, and western restaurants, etc.; consumers and other related personage.

  ? 大型超市和普通超市:大型超市和普通超市采购中心、饮料采购经理、葡萄酒行业经理、大型超市和普通超市经理等;

  Large supermarkets and ordinary supermarkets: procurement center of large supermarkets and supermarket, beverage purchasing managers, managers of the wine industry, managers of large supermarket and supermarket, etc


  ? 咖啡厅、酒店和餐厅:各大酒店及夜总会及餐厅、连锁餐厅和连锁酒店等;

  Coffee shops, hotels and restaurants: hotels and clubs and restaurants, chain restaurant and hotel chains, etc

  ? 免税经营行业:具有采购部门的航空公司、具有采购部门的邮轮和渡轮公司等

  Duty free business industry: airlines with purchasing department, cruise and ferry companies with purchasing department, etc.

  ? 电子商务行业:食品及饮料网站设计师、此类网站的食品及饮料买家等

  E-commerce industry: food and beverage website designers and food and beverage buyers of these websites

  【展出大类】 Exhibit Categories

  ? 甜食、巧克力及休闲食品等 Sweet food, chocolate, snack food, etc.

  ? 饼干、糕点及烘焙食品等 Biscuit, pastry and baked food, etc.

  ? 乳制品、奶制品及蛋制品等 Dairy products, milk products and egg products, etc.

  ? 罐头、肉类制品及水产品等 Canned food, meat products and aquatic products, etc.

  ? 婴幼儿食品、营养品及保健食品等 Infant food, Nourishment and health food, etc.

  ? 食用油、橄榄油及粮油制品、调味品及食品配料等 Edible oil, olive oil, grain and oil products, seasonings and food ingredients, etc.

  ? 有机食品、绿色食品、高档食品、水果、蔬菜、谷物及农副产品等 Organic food, green food, high-end food, fruit, vegetables, grain and agricultural and sideline products, etc.

  ? 速冻、冷冻食品及冰淇淋产品、海鲜冻品、海鲜活品、干品、鱼糜/浆、禽类等 Quick-freeze and frozen food and ice cream products, frozen seafood, fresh and alive seafood, dried products, minced fillet/thick liquid, and poultry, etc.

  ? 果蔬汁及果醋饮料、软饮料、功能性饮料、果汁、高级饮用水、饮料机和刨冰机等 Fruit and vegetable juice and fruit vinegar drink, soft drink, functional drink, juice, high-grade drinking water, beverage dispenser and ice crusher, etc.

  ? 传统茶类、再生茶类、茶具、茶叶包装、茶叶加工、茶工艺品、咖啡及奶酪等 Traditional teas, regenerated teas, tea set, tea packing, tea processing, tea artware, coffee and cheese, etc.

  ? 葡萄酒、啤酒、黄酒、药酒、利口酒、烈酒、开瓶器、电子红酒柜、酒具、调酒设备等 Grape wine, beer, yellow rice wine, medicinal liquor, liquor, spirit, bottle opener, electronic red wine cabinet, wine set, and mixing equipment, etc.

  【参展费用】Exhibition Fee

  展位区域 Exhibition Area 标准展位3m×3m

  Standard Booth 形象展位3m×3m

  Image Booth 光地面积 Plain Floor Area

  内资企业 Local Enterprise RMB15800/个 9m2 RMB18800/个 9m2

  Image Booth RMB1300元/m2

  合资企业 JV Enterprise RMB18800/个 9m2 RMB20800/个 9m2

  Image Booth RMB1500元/m2

  外资企业 Foreign-funded Enterprise USD 3200/个 9m2 USD 3800/个 9m2

  Image Booth USD 300元/m2

  光地不含任何配制,企业自行设计装修(最少36平方米起租)Plain Floor without any configuration, design and decoration is at enterprise’s own cost.(Minimum rental area: 36m2

  9㎡标准展位收费(包括:展出场地, 2.5m高壁板 一条中英文楣板、洽谈桌一张、二把椅子、220V


  9㎡ standard booth fee (including: exhibit site, 2.5m high wallboard, a plank with both Chinese and English name, 1 negotiation table, 2 chairs,220V power socket, 2 spotlights, carpet is covered in the booth; note: booth with double openings add 20% fee;)

  【会刊广告】 Proceeding Advertising

  封面 Cover 封底Back Cover 扉页 Title Page 封二 Inside Front Cover 内 彩 页

  Inside Color Page

  20000元 RMB 18000元 RMB 15000元 RMB 15000元 RMB 6000元 RMB

  【参展程序】Exhibition Procedures

  1、凡有意参展单位,请即填写申请表,连同企业营业执照复印件传真或寄至展览办公室,于一周内将参展费用的50%订金汇入组委会专用账户,组委会收到申请表及费用后确认参展资格。组委会收到全额参展费用后,寄发 “参展手册”其中包括报到、通知、展品运输、布展要求及住宿安排等事宜的文件和资料。为保证展会整体形象,组委会保留与参展单位协商并最终调整展台位置的权利。

  Those intend to take part in the exhibition, please fill out the application form, together with the enterprise business license copy, fax or mail to exhibition office, and pay 50% deposit within one week into the special account of the organizing committee. Exhibition qualification is confirmed upon receiving the application form and the fee. Upon receiving the full amount of the exhibition fees, the organizing committee shall send "exhibition manual" ,including such documents and materials as registration form, notice, exhibits transportations, installation requirements and accommodation matters, etc. In order to guarantee the overall image of the exhibition, the organizing committee reserves the right to negotiate with exhibitors and eventually adjust the booth location.


  The rule of first come, first served is applied for the exhibition booth and advertising. For any special requirement, please negotiate with the organizing committee.

  如欲订“SFEC CHINA 2016”展位和了解更多信息,请通过以下联络方式。

  To book “SFEC CHINA 2016”booth and learn more information, please contact us via:

  地址/Add: 中国上海徐汇区漕宝路88号(200235)

  88 Caobao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai City,PRC (200235)

  电话/Tel: (86-21)51690362 传真/Fax: (86-21)6979 8153

  联系人/TO: 杨金松(先生) 13122635259 网络/QQ咨询: 2724593961

  Contact Person: Mr. Jinsong Yang +86 13122635259 Network/QQ Inquiry: 2724593961


标签: 上海 展览会 高端 SFEC2016 饮料

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